Good Neighbour Scheme

When the pandemic first disrupted our lives last year we came together as a village to support those in South Luffenham who are either living alone or who find getting out and about more challenging, through the RCC Good Neighbour and Prescription Collection scheme.

Although the prescription collection scheme ceased in late 2020, as a village we stayed part of the Good Neighbour scheme registered with RCC and they do contact the Parish if there is someone in the village they are aware of who needs a little extra support.

Street volunteers help out as and when needed, whether that be a friendly cuppa on a regular basis, taking a resident who doesn’t drive to appointments or the coffee mornings, collecting shopping or support when at home after an illness or hospital stay ; and this is an important community aspect of the village.

The volunteers list also means that if you do look out for someone but cannot for whatever reason, if you let us know so we can contact someone else to help you help them.

If you, or you know of someone, who would benefit from some friendly neighbourly support please contact us to arrange one of the volunteers in your street to help.  Please contact details 01780 729006 or

Anyone who was on the original list who is no longer able to be a volunteer or if you are new to the village and would like to be added also please do get in touch.

Thank you to all of you are already being ‘Good Neighbours’.

Visit the Rutland County Council Good Neighbours site